Ruben Korpelshoek, better known as "Bekky" has completed the Music Business course with us and is hard at work on his career as a Hiphop producer. We asked him to tell us a bit more about his experiences as a starting Hiphop producer.

What inspired you to specialize in recording, mixing and producing music?

Ever since a little boy, I have been a big fan of 50 Cent and especially his songs produced by Dr. Dre. Not only his distinctive and bouncy beats have inspired me, but also the role Dr. Dre assumes in the studio. He is more than just a beat maker, he oversees the whole creative process from start to finish and knows exactly what works and what doesn't work. I try to do the same myself in my sessions.

What is the most challenging aspect of making music and producing beats? How do you deal with those challenges?

Making the beats themselves is usually not the hardest part. What is most challenging for me is time management and prioritizing the right things. These days there are so many options for independent producers that sometimes it's hard to make choices. Making beats, putting them online for sale, maintaining YouTube channel, coming up with social media content, networking, sessions with artists etc. It's hard to bet on all the horses, especially if you also have a normal job next to music. Hence, you need to check carefully with yourself what works best for you and of course what you enjoy doing most.

Are there any specific projects or collaborations you are proud of? What made these projects so special?

Before I was really serious about music but already doing it as a hobby, I was asked to produce some songs for an album. That was an album by the student union I was a member of at the time. My production skills were not very developed at that time, but because I was producing in completely different genres than I was used to, I was forced to step outside my comfort zone. So qualitatively it was not very high quality, but I learned an awful lot from this.

What are your future plans in the field of music production? Are there any new projects you are working on or new directions you want to explore?

In the coming time I will continue to network, keep doing sessions and hopefully soon build my own studio. Eventually I want to go abroad for a while for work, to produce for international artists. In the long run, I also think it would be really cool to share my knowledge with others and help them, for example by teaching or becoming an A&R.

What advice would you give to aspiring music producers and beatmakers looking to build their careers?

For beginning producers, I would say; try to get good at one thing first, before embracing all kinds of other things. That makes it easier for people to recognize and remember you. That goes for both your music style and your social media presence. Of course, it is wise to keep experimenting behind the scenes and learning about other styles of music, but be selective in what you want to be associated with by the outside world.


Bekky is building well on his career as a HipHop producer and if he keeps going like this the future looks bright for him. You can find Bekky on instagram @prodbekky and tiktok @prodbekky. Check out Bekky's beats on Beatstars via the button below!


